Temperature Controlled X -Ray Film Processing Unit Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India

Temperature Controlled X -Ray Film Processing Unit

Product Code : JA-XRMAE-3906

Temperature Controlled X -Ray Film Processing Unit

Available in request dimensions for capacity.

Temperature maintained at 20 degree Celsius.

The unit is made up of Stainless steel 20 swg.

Od 316 grade.

The unit is incorporated with suitable capacity sealed compressor and necessary accessories for maintaining 20 degree Celsius.

The unit is having two compartments, one to maintain solution temperature at 20 degree Celsius and the second for developer, rinser, fixer and final wash for x-ray films with a provision of inlet, outlet & running water system.

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Jain Scientific Suppliers
2475-84, Hargolal Road,

[email protected]


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